Thinking about Camus
In 1947, shortly after WWII, Albert Camus published a very important and influential novel, THE PLAGUE. His book has been in the news lately — for perhaps obvious reasons! — and now that I and others in our group are having “a personal relationship with the pandemic,” thinking about Camus seems especially apposite.

I’ve been having wonderful text talks with family members and friends. Amazing how important our relationships are: none of us can do this human journey alone. 

So this morning my sister-in-law (a physician) sent a text that read said, in part, I “read an article on Camus on Vox today. He is my new hero!🙃” I just finished it. It touches something profound for all of us and I wanted to share it.

p.s. a colleague in Regis college’s peace and justice studies program, Eric Fretz, has asked me to co-teach part of his course this fall in which THE PLAGUE is the text under discussion. I really hope I can do it.

Fr. Kevin Burke, S.J.


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